Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do it for Johnny man, Do it for Johnny!!

This guy right here is one of the rare filmers out there who skates as good as he films (he films really good). He has style for miles!! This ones for Johnny man!

As Promised...

So as promised, here are all the seqeunces on my hard drive.

Darren - pop shuvit

Jacob Merchant - fs bigspin

Srdjan Mitrovic - nollie fs boardlide shuv it out

Derek DasNeves - 180 bs melon

Srdjan Mitrovic - gap to nose manual

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

long and Over Due

FINALLY! i got my off my ass and got photoshop (thanks johnny).
For as this means i can upload all the seqeunces on my computer, so this is the first off many to come, ill be sure to upload more within the next couple of days!

Ryan Rose - boardslide 270 out

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Shit goes down in Downtown

Darren - fakie bs 180

Srdjan Mitrovic - kickflip

Emre - crook

Darren - half cab